Methamphetamine, or Crank, Speed or Ice, as it is known at the street level, is a highly addictive drug that affects the central nervous system affecting the release of dopamine, resulting in a strong “rush” after the drug is administered. While this drug is technically a prescription drug and can be used in some ailments, such as narcolepsy, ADD and obesity, it is listed as a Schedule II drug and can only be obtained through a prescribing doctor, and in these instances, there are no refills given.
Meth can be ingested a wide variety of ways, include snorting, smoking or injecting the drug. The result of taking the drug is a rapid release of dopamine, which produces an intense “rush,” or feeling of euphoria, in the user. Use of methamphetamines results in an increase in wakefulness and physical activity as well as increasing the heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature.
Meth addiction can produce a wide variety of detrimental long-term health side effects, and they include reduced motor skills and impaired verbal learning. Research has also shown a link to emotional impairment and memory loss with users that are chemically dependent upon methamphetamines. Other long-term medical problems include severe weight loss, dental problems (“meth mouth”), anxiety, hallucinations and delusions.
Users addicted to methamphetamines are also at a high risk for transmission of HIV and Hepatitis B and C due to risky sexual behavior that users sometimes participate in. The diseases can also be spread through the needles that addicts frequently share between one another.
Withdrawal symptoms from methamphetamines are severe and include nausea, irritability, insomnia, loss of energy, hyperventilation, convulsions, irregular heartbeats and more. Because of the poor health many meth addicts have, it is highly recommended that users enter a medical treatment facility while going through detoxification.
At Challenges Addiction Treatment Center, we have a combination of treatment options for our clients to choose from to arrest a meth addiction. They include individual sessions, neurofeedback, group sessions, Residential or PHP Treatment, extended care transitional treatment and intensive outpatient treatment. Challenges has a long history of helping people begin to live one day at a time without the use of substance. Let us help you!