Challenges Addiction Treatment Center understands that an opiate addiction may start when individuals often are prescribed an opiate after surgery or for physical injuries that require pain management. Opiates are any drugs that contain opium or a derivative of opium. Opiates are some of the most effective prescription painkillers available – and that’s exactly what makes them some of the most frequently abused drugs.
Prescription drug addicts may reach for opiates because of their narcotic effect and addictive qualities. For opiate addicts, what starts as a way to overcome pain becomes a way of life: They come to rely on the drugs to ease their physical pain and deal with emotional problems which make things worse when all they need is professional guidance and a setting to deal with their other issues sober.
When someone develops a problem with an opiates-based drug abuse, it’s very important that they come off of the drug or detox with professional help. Detoxifying from opiates can be difficult and dangerous.
Signs and symptoms of opiate withdrawal from detox or quitting opiate drugs on your own can include:
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Diarrhea
- Night sweats
- Depression
- Aches and pains
For some addicts, getting professional help at Challenges Addiction Treatment Center makes the most sense for their needs. Under professional care, opiate detox can be safe and effective. An opiate drug rehab center can give a patient a safe place to detox and deal with the physical and emotional symptoms of coming off of opiates. The staff at Challenges has the experience and knowledge to deal with Opiate Addiction and our long term goal is to not have rely on any substance to cope but to stand on your own and face the day with a clean and sober mind.