Challenges Addiction Treatment Center has a staff of therapists, physicians, and counselors who are experts in drug and alcohol treatment of addiction and have been helping people for the last 17 years. We offer a unique experience with personalized treatment plans, Evidence-Based Psychotherapy and Natural Wellness Programs for drug addiction, alcoholism, Compulsive Behavior and Dual Diagnosis including Bipolar, Depression, ADD/ADHD, PTSD and other Psychiatric and Mental Disorders.
Challenges Addiction Treatment Center offers hope for people who have been looking for answers to their frustration about their inability to remain clean and sober.
The atmosphere at the Challenges Addiction Treatment Center is caring and supportive, and provides individuals with all of the tools necessary to start recovering from addiction or chronic relapse. Challenges Addiction Treatment Center has a wonderful and unique residential environment to treat clients; our beach residence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida offers the individual a pleasant environment allowing them to focus on sobriety and the beauty life has to offer. Our treatment facility provides the tools and programs to help recover from addiction, prevent relapse and move forward with a fulfilling and healthy life for you and your family.